Welcome to Fairfax.............

I took this photo on a monday morning. These kids are waiting in line until thursday. Thursday is when we release new product !! Thats 4 days away. All these kids had was a mickey mouse towel. Solid moves !!

This photo is wednesday night and the entire street was blocked off by LAPD and Riot police. As the helicopter hovered above trying to disperse the overwhelming crowd gathered outside the store.........It was utter chaos........

The crowd stretched 2 city blocks long and around the corner. It was impossible to tell the numbers. Tensions were high as the helicopter circled directly above. Supreme hired a ten man private armed security team to make the next 24 hours as smooth as possible.......

Meanwhile around this time at the New York City Supreme the streets had erupted and NYPD using force and pepper spray broke up the 1000 strong crowd. This resulted in the store shutting down the release. No one was injured as the news channels broadcasted all over the country.........

The crowd in Los Angeles was headed in the same direction. You could feel it. It took hours to control and police the frenzy into an organised line . The entire street was shut down from end to end and its only wednesday night. The massive mob had about 14 hrs still to go.

Inside the lads wait for the green light ..............

With the perimeters secured by a 4 man tactical team all the product arrived at the shop under the cover of darkness in unmarked trucks ..........

The next day was like a scene from Dawn of the Dead.

Channel 7 news showed up and learned new terms such as "sneakerheads" and "foamposites"

Before the gates went up some selfies went down............

It was absolute chaos outside as the news channels rolled

Thousands of people all waiting for the shoe of destiny !!

In over 20 years of skateboard retail i'd never seen anyhting like this in my life................


Inches and hours from the front door after multiple days outside ..........

Lucas unfazed

The bodyguards and the crew ...................

This was definately a day for the books .......................