Dawn smog patrol

LA simmers under a cosy brown blanket of not so fresh airs

Barbeque is my bestest friend

The pack of hounds

Hudson and Javier

Later that day up at the Eagles Nest ................ Production starts on another jump ramp. Bigger launchers , more nails , more runway , more stunts , more tea and way more smoke breaks.

Charles knocked the stuffing out of this wee fellow in seconds

Alexis Ross freehand transitions all day , hot dog foreman and general job site moral booster.

The new ramp has to be able to clear the Hollywood letters. Lots of high tech measurements and science stuff. Major negotiations with Red Bull for the exclusive jump footage

After a hard days grafting with tools and hot dogs all day , Alexis treated the lads to a tremendous asian foot massage. It was my first one and i was definately amature hour. I couldnt stop cracking up everytime the bunion physical therapist grabbed my feet. "YUUUU RELAAAX FOH MEEEEE " , my toe specialist kept saying . The rest of the boys were up front dying laughing while this mental oriental wearing the best snow leopard shirt , yanked each of my toes out of their sockets..........

She was none too chuffed when the camera flash went off , blinding and burning her eyeballs out ........... but the crew in the front row loved it !!

Somehow after a foot massage we woke up like we'd all just slept for 3 days in a dark back alley in Bangkok.........

Those china birds slipped something into my toes for sure.............

The Boys of Summer are yours for $25 an hour