Lars Anderson European Day

This spagetti westener came up from Jamestown

Oldest geezer at the show ....100 years young !!

Im at a loss for a caption !!

The Doc , Uncle Tom and Rocket chill on the grassy knoll. Even through the dense London clouds , Toms porcalin skin fries up in the UV rays ......

American gatecrasher

Inside the Japanese room

This guy and that guy

Spotless Priceless Matchless

One of my top three's

Frank the Tank and Weller. The bandaid on Wellers forehead is hiding 11 meaty stitches he took from a golf club to the head.......Thank christ it didnt happen on my watch !!

This Ed Norton belonged to Keanu Reeves ....(but no one cares !!)

This was my favorite bike. Even with the oil soup cans

New cell phones are just not designed for Harrys fingers...........

Graham Hill - almost as famous as the race car driver !!

Grass TT

I liked this old english oil in frame bugger

Good times up in the Boston bean.........Back home to stare at my unfinished motorcycle ....sigh !!