Broke my vow of silence and exiles from the Rhino Bar to go see my ol buddy Chop's new band Embedded

Chopper and Carrie

Master of Puppets and all around epicker - Lee .............(sickest "eye" ring)

The art of shredding .........

Chopper is an-unstoppable force and his new band ripped the arse off the Rhinoceros Bar

Lisa showed up with 15 cameras round her about double fisting all night ....she was shooting digital bullits like Yosemite Sam !!

Jay Bone on the riffers

Chops belts out a real cracker of a song called Hiroshima............good times

Tons of hair and indoor trees

Grenade Vendetta singer Carrie gets awsome front row all night........

Mid week shreds killled a bro in the fields the next morning .........i mowed my first 3 lawns with my eyes sealed shut buenos