Downtown - The land of the mega hot office birds and the toughest of all the street hombres

Ive been noticing that most of the Outdoorsmannys and tramps have way more posessions than me ........

Swiss Army boats

Went on a sick bicycle mission through all the shipyards and iron wastelands of San Francisco

Deep in the no mans land of shipping depots and unused marshlands i found a ton of rock dragons . 1000s of carefully piled stones making up the coolest monsters

Then further into the wilds i found this hermano complete with hard hat repairing a giant serpent sculpture..........

I talked to him for a bit.....He comes out here to build his dragons and rock snakes , but people from the surrounding badlands come and destroy his animals. He told me hes not going to stop coming out here. I believed him. It was the quietest moment out there....

In the back ground is the infamous Hunters Point area of San Francisco....the last real wild west part of the city !! Cowboys with Ak's

Saw an old Boaterhead print of Amy Gunther of KCDC.......always liked this photo a lot these things are cool

The latest trend all over the city......Its like turning your weedwhacker into a cafe racer......I saw so many zipping through traffic

Jerry Garciyalaterd

Men with funny quilled hats , huge beards and snake staffs party behind this door ...........


Tomorrow - more shite coming !!