Denpasar is the capital city of Bali with around 2 million residents. All two million residents are always riding their motorcycles or scooters at the same time ........... Its marvelous !!

Doing any errand smoothly in this citys traffic is like finding a safe bungee jump in Tijuana ............ After a while you get used to doing it their way ................ Somehow........ !!

The youngest person i saw riding a moped was definately in single digits ....... could barely reach the handlebars .............. It wasnt this girl..... she was too busy selling watches, switch blades and cigarettes ..........

The colors of everything here are beyond incredible ...............

These rad old hens played "Living After Midnight" by Judas Priest for me on their xylophones.............. I had to google how to spell that. had zero idea !!

Ziggy StarFruit is completely out for the count ............... He had a real long night filled with fighting chickens and moped drag racing .............

Found some street kids going through the piles off old offerings looking for scraps ............

Mick checks out the poor quality of the bananas while a grouchy Keith nods off and Charlie waits for the bar opening next door .........

A young couple selling flower petals on the side of the road ........... At the time i had no idea who would buy these or why ....then weeks later when i got vaporized by a whole new critter in the jungle my life coach Dadong Lucy healed me by covering my chest and back with these flower petals ........ I had the most insane zombie 28 days later skin malfunction i think from sleepin in the jungle with these ants that munched on me like i was a giant twinkie .......... Anyways now when i see young people selling huge bags of these things i know whats going on !!!!

I love Denpasar even though i power guzzled about a kegs worth of carbon minoxide each day .................... My lungs are now 2 stroke !!!!