I was in the jungle and got attacked by a snake. It bit me and I fell to the ground. Luckily there was a ladder around the next corner

I was walking through the jungle with the wife. When suddenly a tiger leapt on her.

And although I was doubtful before - it's true. Stripes do make you look slimmer.

Were gonna need a bigger machete ............. and way better jokes !!!!

This photo has 100% humidity and zero one liners ................

This guy hates my jokes .............

I know theres scorpions and snakes and other uncool things in this huge piles of clothes ............... I stood in the way back and waited for someone to get zapped ..... Like that awful tree stump thing in Flash Gordan movie !!

I found the other me on some street in Denpasar. I always find a stunt double on my travels. This guy was the me after i got bit by the centipede........ Man the Indo me was in a bad state of affairs . He looked like a right dogs dinner ....... but his mustache was perfect and so was his tan .... Actually he looked better than the real me ...........