When i got back from Europe i was at my old apartment The Shire when outside shite hit the fan.........

I was inside on the computer when i heard the sickest crash of metal and glass...i ran outside to see the red truck wrapped around the telephone pole right opposite the shire......you can see the initial impact of the pole on the truck.....as i got to the scene the driver was trying to reverse from the pole crunching all the debris all around....right then the street lamp on top of the telephone post came loose and dropped directly on the windshield making that hole in the top centre......at this point the driver reversed mega fast and pulled away and shot down the road past my house......i couldnt see who was driving but they were going like a bat out of hell......

The whole scene was over in seconds ...a random hit and run so i went back inside to resume my online jibber jabbers ...i had just sat down and started typing when i heard a crash explosion louder than the first one ....i couldnae believe it......i ran outside and saw the scene above

The same truck from before had gone around the block and nailed some SUV coming down the street slamming it into the sidewalk......thats when the neighborhood erupted and everyone came out and attacked the red truck all yelling and going berserkers...the rasta manny opened the door and shouted in "Hey mon wot de fuk mon we got kids on dis street mon"

The whole mess was shaping up and and the mob was getting thicker..still no sign of the driver...

Then the cops came and pulled the ugliest young girl out of the truck ive ever seen ...her guts were all hanging out and she was wasted...legless , totally mangled drunk at 11am.......they couldnt even cuff her properly cos she was like a gumby.........I guess she'd just got out of jail that morning and tied one on and was looking for some geezer on my block.........

I didnt get any shots of her i was kinda stocked though cos she was a real medusa...........anyways her day went to shite and i went back inside to the safety of the Shire

I have no idea where the owner of the brolly went