Today we say goodbye to Shep. Around 6pm friday may 18th at the surf spot Marines the entire Waterbrother family and dozens of close friends gathered to bid farewell to one of our closest brothers.

Hundreds and hundreds of friends paddled into the ocean. It was like an endless herd of wildebeests migrating across a giant river.

The sea boiled and frothed as the pack paddled forward

It was one of the most incredible things i have ever witnessed.

Everywhere you looked , all across the horizon were friendly faces carrying flowers for Shep.

Package - The leader of our Warrior Nation . The tribe called Waterbrothers

The scene was of biblical proportions

The gathering of the clans...........

Newport had never seen a sight like this today. Hundreds of surfers formed a circle while even more people gazed in awe from the shore. In remembering a friend we created history.

A stadium sized circle for Shep. As i type this i'm wiping tears from my eyes. It was so overwhelmingly powerful out there in the ocean.

As the circle disbanded the ocean was filled with thousands of flowers.

I want to say a huge thank you to Sid for taking people like Shep and myself and hundreds of others into his world and making us feel special. I know Shep was so proud to stand by Sid's side under the WB flag.