Mega missions across town today

Fantastic cars everywhere out here

I love the streets out west. So much color

This is Chicklet. She rules ....we walked for hours today through the madness

I guess David Nelson died yesterday. I had to google him . Im clueless on American Tv stars

Mae and Chicklet . I was hopin Chicklet would drop a mean Dussledorf on the MJ star in front of all the Japanese tourists but she held it in......

This geezer ruled ... His sound effects he was making from inside his green suit were hilarious but scary as heck. Chicklet was frozen still the whole time.....

This dodgy old bird tried to mount the King

Jerk Osborne and his wee dog

Awsome ........ Cant wait !!

Redman takes in some zzzzzzzzzzz's

While JC looks mopey as hell on the sidewalk

Supreme LA hq

These guys have pretty much nailed it ......... Mindblowing instore set ups

We walked miles today. i felt bad for Chicklets wee legs . Even though she has four of them we were all tuckered out by the end of our trek

Sick ride on Hellrose

Got a quick tour of the backyard ramp at Brooklyn Projects on Melrose

Neck woz ere !!

After a whole day of touring Hollywood I biked home through the asteroid fields of traffic.......... So glad im not down there in the rat race !!

What a grand day of adventurings...........