The monastery in Pella........Way up in the background up on the cliff is another church thats famous for people committing suicide. Many people have thrown themselves off the huge cliff face.........

Main street in the village Soriso i lived in...........tiny roads zig zag through the town and the italians drive like absolute maniacs at rally car speeds.......they started to use the street mirrors on every corner to see oncoming traffic but that was too much work so now they just fly up the road and honk the horn twice.....i have zero idea how this system works but everyone from teenagers to super old coffin dodgers drive this way..........oh and most american cars would not fit in these streets .....they are so small......i found myself on some car rides almost sitting on the handbrake..........."yo Fabiola you are the craziest on the roads hahaha"

This is my friend Pasi and his amiko.....He runs the local Volcom Dealership in Arona..........real good manny right here......Arona is like the Beverly Hills of Lago Maggiore.........Pasi keeps it mucho real though......

Speaking of keeping it real ...this is my friday morning market gang.......Celsina ...Louisa and Maria ...(i hope i remembered my gangs names right). Every friday i'd go to the Borgomanero market in the next town over with these was mental watching 1000s of older women battling for all the deals on fish , salamis , live ducks and rabbits ......this place had everything.....i think Celsina brought me along as a bouncer......people buy everything still alive at the market...i watched some old italian battle axes stuffing dozens of ducklings into their shopping bags with out even a blink of an eye.........

Some nuns from the convent stopped me in the street there and prayed for me .......i think the tattoos were freaking them out.........going to the market is bananas ...literally