Searching for the Jaguar shark .......... part deux !!

This is a completely normal family photo of the Ackmans.

Peanut butter and jellys on board The Liza

Teak prepares to jump in the freezing waters.

All i could think of during this frigid ordeal was palm trees

Isla Beans and Maru keep a keen eye out for the giant squid that might eat their dad while i stood on deck and froze my wallnuts off !!

Maru dropped his favorite dinosaur .................. :(

We threw snacks to Teak making sure not to chum up the water with strawberry jelly !!

I was freezing just watching.......... and i had on 3 jackets and 2 pairs of socks...............

Where the devil takes a shite !!

Evangeline and Eamo

Evangeline showed me all around the Dr Seuss trails............

Sleepy Hollow

One cool wee kiddo

Best pals .............

Epic days in Rhode Island ...............