In july we trekked into the desert looking for shade and ice teas ......................

Courtland and Jerry without machetes

Cody floats while little water snakes surrounded him..............

When the first person yelled "SNAKE" id never seen humans exit water so fast in my life

Selfie mountain

It was about 100 degrees in this valley

Jerry on the long trek home

Its rare i make an appearance on my site ............ North of the Pakistan / California border - photo by Jerry Hsu

When you are under 30 you can still skate after hiking in hells back yard all day - Dane gets some concrete while the rest of us dreamed of lemonade

Ive never seen anyone move so fast in birkinstocks - Cody is also under 30

Boys of Summer 2

Now lets get the fuck to a gas station so i can power guzzle about 5 different drinks