Tonight we throw a party to raise some cash and to boost moral for a great freind of ours who has cancers. Newport rock n roll legend Bubba Martin of the supergroup Long Lane Social Club couldnt be at the show but everyone inside the tiny but massive Billy Goodes was thinking of him.........

Bubba this post goes out to you brother. B-Schwag your the man !! Enjoy the photos.

The first band i'd never seen before. Comic Book Keith i think is their name.

The band dynamics were awsome . You cant beat a group of 18 year olds and a epic old geezer in the same band. Shite rules. It looked like the lads were driving around the ocean drive on a sick bone cruise and they picked up a random Walrusman who happened to play the drums....

I'm a fan . I hope this band fight over chicks too........

Wooden Hip moved to town ............Nolan and Tommy in the first stages of a double blackout

We Own Land take the stage next.

Man alive its Johnny Jones . Blistering riffages

The lads put the pedal to the metal .

Craig Ferris with the energy of 10 men hopped up on kegs of red bulls

Headlining from the depths of New York City - Natur

The place erupted. Midgie , Tooth's other dad Mark and Ziggy Gnardust

"Please enjoy the music while your party is reached" - Cooper

Im calling this place Billy Greats from now on ...........