Bros n Arrows Motorcycle Club's first run to Massachusetts was a complete and utter shite show....but man was it fun!!!!!

Northward bound.............

Rocketboy and Thomas Crown motorway high fives and kung fu

Foreign idiot at 75 miles per hour

Jerry showed us some killer routes

The magical mystery tour continued through heavy forested areas and the coolest winding roads

Thomas on the R69s..............This machine is a champion

Shin visions.........

Thomas seen here sporting the latest in hair scarfs..............Homie's ginger rope locks are so dense that his helmet is designed for a buffalo head...........


The day started at 6.30am 7.30am my bike died pretty much on the side of the road in some unknown zone.....I had to abandon my horse...hiding it behind a toyota dealerships dumpster , hoping it wasnt recycling day........i was none too chuffed to leave her behind ....but the lads persuaded me too push on with the mission......even if it meant climbing on the back of TKs bike and riding the rest of the way north like a right ponce........Thanks are a good sport.........We rode the rest of the way on the motorway on a vintage BMW that had no speedo.........when the wind and vibrations were knocking the stuffing out of me i'd look over at the dials and it would say were going 10 miles an hour.....pretty standard for a TFL outing.......... but the weather was great and we met up with more buddies along the way........who showed us some epic routes...........

All in all id say it was a bloody out of seven bikes is tremendous for breakdown situations

more photos in a wee jiffy...........