Hellos from England

Spacious rooms lots of light .... incredible views ......... two bedroom two bathroom .......... fast wifi ........rooftop garden ...... garage and bike storage ......... dozens of pets preffered ......... quiet neighbors that happen to be squatters and anarchists ............for viewing call #

This ol hen got all the Big Ben angles covered ...............

Skated the famous Stockwell in Brixton today ................ 1970s surf styles

Place is fun as hell and the local character count was off the charts .............

Met up with long time friend Seth and cruised around all day ..........

Buy this junk quick cos in about 7 minutes its going to rain all over this shit ................ This place was like a scene from Snatch.......... All kinds of wheelers and dealers working deals in phenominal lingos.....

Got to hang with my little brother for the first time in over 8 years. Was super epic and emotional........ I missed this guy a lot ......... So many things had happened while i was away. He has two amazing kids now and it was a real trip seeing where he lives ........ Calsy Boy is the raddest ginger i know !!