In Indonesia no one can hear you scream over the sound of constant 2 strokes motorbikes...........


The other night at around 4am while i was sound asleep dreaming about spagetti and meatballs i was fantastically awakened like a bolt of lightening struck me . From a dead sleep to almost on the ceiling . It felt like i got tazed by the cops in the lower back. I jumped up in extreme pain . In the darkness i had no idea what happened but i knew instantly something bit me in the back. I turned on the light and scanned my bed . Nothing . i slowly lifted my pillow and there it was ..... in all his magnificant evil glory . The biggest centipede i have ever seen. This shiny black yellow little fuck bit me so goddamn good . It felt like a baseball player hit me with a bamboo stick that was charged with electricity. There was absolutely no way i was leaving the room and this centipede was staying alive . I chased him for a bit then smashed all his legs and all his brains. I gave him a shoe smack for every leg just to make sure. I was so bummed .

Then panic set in . I have no idea what to do for a bite like this and my phone doesnt work here. In the darkness i hopped on the bike and rode into town to the circle k. The all knowing infomation highway of the 24hr mini marts. Theres always a street doctor floating around outside these joints............. I was in severe pain now. I could feel my elbow feeling weird now. I tried to explain in sign language what happened to me to the cashier but our sharades didnt hit home run....... he had zero clue so i waited outside eating ice cream while i watched the sun come up ................

By the time the sun was fully up my back arm and fingers now felt like someone elses. I shouldve gone to hospital but instead i got in a car and headed north to the jungle ............ The entire ride i was beyond uncomfortable and i could feel the venom spreading . Long story short . When i got home later that night i puked my brains out for 30 hrs straight and on day three was willing myself to die ..............

After a whole week of being the human centipede i finally felt like me again ................ Now these leggy fuckers are on top of my list ......portuguese man o war jellyfish just got bumped down to second place ............

Im waiting for a monkey to swing out of the trees and literally bite my neck as i ride by . Its coming i know it is .............

Bali is like a hot model girl wearing a poision ivy jumpsuit

A rare tranquil moment

Komang's family house up in the jungle

There are 2 things in Indonesia that are immaculate and so beautiful ~ The kids and the cows . Both are amazingly perfect while everything else looks like a atom bomb went off ................

While we were skating, this rice paddy farmer came over and gave me mustache approval ........

This young sprout gets his power stance on in the Pretty Poison bowl

Donald Brasco takes five

Dewi had a awsome photography show at the gallery

Im going to sleep at night now inside a perfect ring of fire ................. Nothing is gonna get me now !!