Tooth's on tour in California with his side band Occultation. Tonight they play Los Angeles

Dr Sneus stands in the cloakroom. A room , literally for men who wear cloaks.

Manute and the lads from Supreme - Kutter and Courtland

Borrowed Time from Detroit blew the doors off downtown LA.

These guys rode in on a gold shitting horse. Each song was a direct bullseye to the head.

Dudes pretty much woke up all the outdoormans sleeping outside in a 1 mile radius of the venue.

Heaps of battle vests , mexican witches and birds with massive arms at the show. Mega rhino elbows.

Manute is too tall for landscape photos.

Dr Sneus lets loose a 3 dimensional hello into the stage. Probably clobbered some wildebeast in the front row.........

Manute was on fire all night. Its the reason i have no photos of the opening bands. Sorry.