The moment of the day - Who's gonna be the lucky bastardo to win the Born Free motorcycle. I was a wee bit scared. I couldnt tell if i had butterflies in my stomach or if it was the corn dog wrestling the pbr's. I had 6 raffle tickets in my hand and i actually thought i had a chance of winning this machine . I still was petrified if i won i'd have to start this hog up and fire it down the block in front of the mob of bike legends and hot porno birds. All kinds of TFL situations played through in my mind while the announcers baited the crowd.

Through my raffle hot sweats i think i actually wanted the old hen in the straw hat in front of me to be the winner. I'd be a terrible gambler..........

Needless to say i didnt win ..........This lucky geezer scored so much swag and the most incredible vintage chopper......congrats manny !!!

999 other raffle ticket holders sighed a big "oh well"

Then minutes later hundreds of engines fired up and the mass exodus began.........

Gordon heading north to San Francisco

Hundreds of bikes filed out , screaming down the road

Found the biggest sissy there..........

On my way out saw this gem . I love this bike

What a day. Born Free event really set the bar for motorcycle shows. I met so many great peoples and got so inspired by so many creations .

I salute the cats who put this show together. I know this shite isnt easy....but you guys nailed it ......


Heading back to my Chateau in hollywood ................more antics in a jiffy !!