On the road to Born Free 5 in Oak Canyon Ranch just outside Los Angeles

It took us 4 hours to go 60 miles and the only entertainment on the highway was this total nutter playing his kit in over 100 degree weather literally inches from the road. It was pure bananas. Even in my AC icebox this fuckin geezer was making me have heatstroke.

Brad Pitt mustive tweeted about Born Free cos the floodgates exploded this year. It was mayhem on the roads. Woodstock style traffic , cops n sherrifs dotted all over the road and thousands of bikers screaming in from all directions. It was awesome chaos.

I had Warp tour flashbacks from the ninties.................... Mental amounts of people

Its much hotter in this photo than it looks.

Boogie van alley

It was so bloody hot . I think all the peanut vendors and the candy floss machines had their carts turned up to 11.

Bikes for miles and miles. Sea of metal. It was incredible. Thousands and thousands of handlebars

The builder bikes this year were on a whole different level. So many machines . Some lucky punter won this Harley for $25.

T bone of Noise Cycles

Wes Lang painted tank for the Evil Spirit bike.

Max's newest 4Q runner was headed for South America

This is where my brain melted and oozed out of my ear and i forgot who made this epic runner.

Game of Thrones upholstery . Sunrise Cycles. Ruling !!!

This was the absolute sickest bike i've seen in ages. Joey the Fish nailed the audish !!

This was my choice if my raffle ticket hit a home run.

Bedazzles of chrome. I turned into the Scottish Stevie Wonder out there. Blinded by the lights

Cycle Zombies

Yaniv from Powerplant

Jerimiah from Love Cycles

What an event. Huge high fives to the organisers and wranglers. Born Free was too big for the world. The crew killed it all day while the masses poured in.

I stopped taking photos after my film turned into licorice. Next year im bringing a paddling pool and a 4 foot wide sombrero.