Tales from the Killing Fields

Did some rent a bro in a hidden garden in town. Place was like a mini Pans Labyrinth....full of rad wee forest trinkets

Cherubs lounging in the dirt .......good times

Had a major blowout on the highway in the truck.......Fully loaded truck with brush , tree parts and tools sent the tire eploding into smithereens and onto incoming traffic....thank christ we didnt hit anything....shite was so close........

My bloss manny was none too stoked ......the spare we ended up putting on was way bigger than the other 3 tires so our whole rig was way jacked up like some Beverly Hillbillies hoopty............epic end to the day

Today was blowout central.....After work i went biking and managed to tear the arse off my denim trousers........total horror show.....the ride home was a cold one ..the wind on my meat and potatoes was mega chilly........ i flew past some copper on traffic detail and mooned him as i whizzed by.................

Great Dirty Harry era car