Brooklyn Invitational Custom Motorcycle show part 3 ...........

Courtney walked so far with me today while i was astro projecting on my coffee high. I was literally doing the riverdance down Bedford Ave. Never again !!

Tyrese from 2 Fast 2 Furious left to go find some supermodels to slater.

Nicko ruling the bamboo forests in his mexi drug rug waist coat . Ive never been jealous of a two year olds outfit until now.

Waterbrothers Los Angeles

Crowd control

These birds literally ran with arms flailing for the beer truck.......... Awsome !!

The sun slowly sets over Manhattan but Brooklyn will not sleep tonight.

The Last King of Oakland - Max Schaaf. Always good banter with this laddie.

Mortal Wombat brought his KnucklePanIronRaleigh all the way from 4 blocks over.

The street roared with people chuckin revs all night as the sun disappeared.

Heading back to Hells Kitchen i saw this old hen on the train brushing her teeth with the biggest toothbrush i've ever seen.

I love New York . Even the toothbrushes are cooler here.

Huge thanks to the lads from the Brooklyn Invitational. Grand times. See you next year ...........