New York City for the Brooklyn Invitational Motorcycle show.........

"Day of the Triffids" scared the shite out of me as a kid. This plant engulfing the building gave me flashbacks.......... Triffids are horendous beasts !!

I took this photo seconds after recovering my lost wallet. As all the blood came back to my body i was able to look up and have a quick gander to see if there was any baby pigeons hanging out on the phone lines.

Inside the gallery show , the machines were absolutely incredible. Mouthwatering shite !!

Jay Dog and my buckaroo nephew Nicko Rhodes.

2 Wheeled Monets and Van Gogh's littered the gallery floor

While young chaps got postcards for life.

Willie Nelson triumph

Lil Chromeo

Texas James aka Party Time - shot people from the tower all day

Details for miles. These are oil master pieces hurtling down the highways and back alleys of the world.

Napitite for Destruction. The lads take a wee snooze mid show.

Part 3 coming up in a jiffy........