Heading down the coast outside Edinburgh ............

North Berwick to climb the Law.................. Scottish Close Encounters

Longtime family friend ~ Roland Fortuna.

He doesnt know it , but this man is the reason i got into photography. His still life work is absolutely mindblowing ... Hes like the Ansel Adams of flowers !!!

Wild Scottish ponies

These guys are plump from eating haggis suppers and black pudding every morning ...............

I have no story for this photo or witty caption...... Its just a horses ass high above some Scottish cornfields !!

This is Tam o Shanters house or Wee Willy Winkys Summer cottage , Or Big Rab fae Joppas place .............. This rental ONLY has an amazing view !!!!

My mum hiking up past an old World War Two anti Nazi machine gun post............ all over the coast are remains of battle outposts built to prevent the possible invasion of Hitler and his goose stepping cronies

Further down the coast we went to Tantallon castle ....... This fortress was built in the mid fourteenth century. Perched high above the ocean on steep cliffs . This place is beyond epic. We explored every corner even into the dungeons. This is the real Game of Thrones .........

View from the tower ...... The formidable island in the back ground is the Bass Rock. In the 15th century that volcanic island was used as a prison............. It so barren out there !! Makes Alcatraz look like the Beverly Palms Hotel ..........

Mum using her telescope to see if she can spot the Scottish Al Capone breaking rocks out there in his stripey pjamas

Oldest of pals ~ Jan and Jackie , Catching up on all the latest medieval gossip ..........