Ol London town...........

Biking past the big fella

I got off the plane from Norway and recieved the sad sad news of Bowie passing . What a legend !! A dude of all dudes......... I skated over to the next neighborhood where the whole street was piled high with offerings for this Brixton Boy . It was incredibly moving just standing there reading all the notes. I can feel tears welling up even as i type these words thinking about everything.

Its beyond amazing to see how music and words can affect all of us

Gabs at Stockwell ............. Top notch banter and one liners

Meet Patrick........... The Sir Lance a Lot of window washing ....... Hes 88 ...... has the best corniest jokes , eats chedder and marmite sandwiches everyday...... went to Florida 40 years ago........ and talks about the days of disco !! hes so epic !!

This guy has been washing windows of Soho for over 60 years ........ mental amounts of stories and antics ..... he had so many pencils in his overall pocket it was weighing him down.........

Im his biggest fan on the block now !!!!