Instead of "Gone in Sixty Seconds" ..... Im "Got as far as Six Miles" ............... Epic breakdowns before 8am on the Ocean Drive

I got a fantastic photo album building up of some really nice scenic spots around town where the Triumph has eaten mierda.

A Necessary Evil

Jason Jessee is my friendo and this photo is in the wrong day. Enjoy it !!

Later on that day i went back in time to the set of The Godfather parts 1 and 2.

Tonight is the engagement party for Dan Benson and Dory Hamilton. Huge congrats to my old friend.

If there was an academy award ceremony for backyards , Wild Acre wouldve taken home at least 10 oscars.

It made the Moonrise Kingdom look like the outskirts of Detroit.

My camera could not figure out the pool / ocean situation.

Nicholas Von Chippywich was the first on the dance floor

Seneca is the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Dance floor annihilations and moves for days

After the engagement party i found myself on this boat making grill cheeses and oversized bowls of fruit loops.

A special thank you to Dodo Hamilton for having me at her home - Wild Acre.........Oh and also thanks for letting my pirate friend Harry into the party too . He had a really great time .