Welcome to Indonesia...............

Square Gos is now using a combination of empty coconuts shells and a wide assortment of strings and plastic bags pointed west so i can send photos to the internet.

Sorry it took so long ....... My coconuts are 3G network so bare with me ............

I dont even know where to begin.............. This place is like no place i have ever seen ..............

Johnny Jamestown dodges spitting cobras , packs of wild dogs and poisoned pork satay sticks as he walks down his main road

Even snorkling is dangerous here............

I prayed to sunburnt bhudda that i wouldnt get eaten in the night by centipedes but i think his ears were blocked up

Low tide reef exploring

Jamestown , Cheeky , Bamboo and Peanuts . Cheeky is half monkey half cockroach !!

This photo goes out to all the barbacks across the world ............... Y'all are pussies !!! This lady nailed the 800 step assualt course and the beers were still cold .........

My new friends like to party ............