Exploring the tunnels of Beavertail

A Pans Labyrinth filled with poison ivy and deer ticks. There are signs everywhere basically saying do not touch anything and dont stray from the path. It was all code for please levitate through the trails , dont touch a fuckin thing , something the size of a pin head will ruin your life forever oh and have a nice day. It ruled !!

The fog was so thick as the ocean boiled and threw huge boulders onto dozens of tiny hidden beaches

I think this morning there were more Cambodians on Jamestown than Jamestowners. These guys were everywhere. Hundreds of wee dudes in wellies all along the coastline guzzling heinekens and yelling epic Cambodian cracks at each other. (or possibly at me judging by the crowd reaction as i tried to infiltrate the gang) .

The cliff diving store is closed today.

Court , trying to wrangle her wandering wee laddie who was off being a mountain goat somewhere.

Senor Higgins captured and forced to relax for 3 seconds .

"Poison ivy for two please and a side of deerticks" - Jamestown rules