Free range Egg report

Fueled by starbursts the Wizard Gatherer at work

A serpente was on my front step when i got home .........Africa is definatly living up to its name ...i got elephants , snakes and monsoons

Went up to the new Waterbrothers headquarters to see Package and Shepper from California was in the hoose. Shepper devours red bulls by the case load........major wings........

Humphry , Packages dug was lounging in the yard. This dog has seen it all......the Keith Richards of dugs right here........the best !!!!

Becky's Gnarbeque in Middletown.......good food weird room............

Speaking of barbeques ....the Cookout had photo exhibit at Curl Up and Dye.........I half expected him to be out front of the salon grilling away but i think the rain and his hangover put him off

Good display of buddies , birds , dirtbaggers and crims.........the Bruce Juice photo was my fave

About 12 years ago Sue Mcnally painted a mural in the front bar area of Salvation Cafe. Its still there today and ive looked at this painting 1000s of times but was never informed until today that the wee duder peering in the window is Matt Mazza........
