The day of the show is also Spankys birthday............

Huge suprise party around the corner...complete with Spanky masks that you could customise and all kinds of other awsome birthday trinkets

There were about 30 pale zombie Spankys at the ruled

Party Time and Leo

How did we get heros?

First guest was Chris superstar

These are my homies from Italy...Luca and Linda........i met these guys in an Irish bar in the Italian side of the Alps last year...... small world

My stoned face didnt know how to act all night ......i look like a right muppet ..........Burnt Reynolds and Atti Miss Ethiopia

Johnny Chaos was definately there........

Mae is number one

Buckbo aka Chad Rose also known as Chag Wonder................Twitter Master Generalez

Sweet Paradise Posse ........Ted and a giant wooden box

The Italians met Sammy the Jew .........This is the part of the night where Sammy went from speaking english to italian to jewberish

This crew win the purple hearts of the night ....get off work in RI at 6pm drive to nyc to see the show for about an hour then drove back to RI to all be at work for 8am....Road warriors TK , Zoe and Rocketboy...i salute thee!!!

TK was a superstar at the fish...everyone wanted to be in a photo......even Manute's chest hairs were ripping through his tee to get in the shot!


More characters to come !!!!!!