Heres a little tale for the crew at Monster Children...............


I shouldnt be tresspassing . My coats already on a shakey peg as it is . If i get caught by the police my day would take a serious detour into shit kingdom...... but there are certain days that require a good old fashion breaking and entering .......

The last pool we found was at Liza Minnelli's abandoned mansion somewhere deep in Beverly hills. That day i remember my throat being extra dry as we tip toed around the grounds looking for the pool. I also recall the old lady with white hair storming out of the run-down house and charging us in the overgrown garden . I almost shiitaked in my shorts . As we bolted across the property and scaled the wall to safety i was sure it was the ghost of Liza M coming to haunt us ....even though shes still alive ........... but thats a whole other tale. Today there appeared to be no ghosts at this incredibly scenic trespassing gem of a spot as we all scaled the wall like a bunch of endless summer GI Joes. The mansion was under heavy construction and as we picked our way through the job site we found this wee belter of a pool perched on the edge of the cliffs high above the ocean.

I could hear people drinking mamosas on million dollar patios above us as we skated . Andrew Allen , Cody Simmons and Tino Razo dodged head chopping , back scraping scaffolding as they tore this pool a new arse..... while I ran around like a spider monkey trying to get photos.

Check out for all things raddo !!